Thank You Section!

This section is here to thank the people I feel are important to myself and my site. I used to have it were everyone that influenced it got a thank you, but there were a bunch of people that I've decided don't deserve such an honor (when you're a dishonorable person, you don't get a thank you, that's just the way it is). Thank you to those of you who've stuck by me through thick and thin!!! I love you all!!!

God -- Face it, without you, I wouldn't be here! Thank you Lord!
Brian -- Hey sweetie!! ^_^ Hmmm... lessee... Well, I can thank you for being the sweetest guy I've ever met ^_^ and I can thank you for being my inspiration to keep Sailor Scorpio and Trunks together in my fan fic (when I actually get to write it!! LOL). ::big hug:: I love you!!
Dad -- Thanks for being there when most family wanted to walk away.
Naoko Takeuchi -- For those of you Sailor Moon-illiterates, Naoko-sensei is the creator of Sailor Moon!!! If she hadn't created Sailor Moon, I would *NEVER* have gotten even the slightest urge to create my own characters and story. It's just not possible that I'd like this all up on my own, and even then it would never have been this beautiful and great. Thank you Naoko-sensei!!!
Briane -- (Although my mother has convinced her to hate me) Thanks for being the T.V. loving girl, and letting me watch Sailor Moon that one day, even though we both thought "Sailor Moon??? what the...??"... then eventually getting me into Dragon Ball Z, or actually just the whole Furiza Saga(Freeza for all you Jap Anime-illiterate people)
Michael Gordon -- Hey Buddy!!! You helped me find stuff about Sailor Moon!!! Thanks a bunch!!
Aunt Sha -- Thanks for taking me to library to go online and learn stuff!! ^_^ I wouldn't have had this done when I did if I didn't know about Sailor Moon
Ileana the 1st -- Thanks for being there for me during those tough times. It helped me out a lot, and even though it didn't directly contribute to the story, it contributed to it indirectly by keeping me from being irrational. ::big hug::
Ileana the 2nd -- Hey sweetie!! You're so nice!! ::big hug:: Thanks for sending me all those long survey emails... no, really, thanks ^_^ I mean it... just look at the "About the Author" section... a lot of that comes from those emails. Thanks, love ya lots!!! um..... 143*477???? Yeah, I think that's how it goes ::giggles:: I'm not good with beeper codes
My Four Old Best Friends (Tara, Janet, Aileen, & Michelle) -- You four were like sisters to me back when we were friends. It's sad that I moved around so much and lost contact with all of you. I miss you guys so much!!!
Basically Everyone on the Coral Springs Animal Hospital Staff in the first half of 1998 -- Some of you still work there, and some of you have moved on. But you know who you are!!! And you remember how I was there to either help out or watch or what have you. You guys helped me learn more about the wonderful field of Veterinary Medicine. Thank you!!

And then there's Jessica, Victoria, Maureen, Milena, & Larry (Remember Ms. Bell's class? And the cat? LOL, how could any of us forget), Cristina, Chris W., & Dorien (hehe, sorry I always seemed to verbally rip your head off -- and guys, we should get together and go to "Figaro's" sometime! LOL ^_~), Anthony -- my little Cali buddy ^_^, Patrick, Dan, Toren, Chris D., & Jon A. (LOL, we had some crazy times in Mrs. Burckhart's Art class, huh? Tyrese!! LOL, and the story "Zex's Devils" LOL), Freshman John (heheh, sorry, I know it should be Senior John now, but that name just sticks), Tawna, Maria, Mark F. ("Alright girls and Mark!" LOL), Dhanya (PreCalc... omg, where would I be without you? ^_^), Jessica P. & Mark P.(LOL, Spanish class.... dear god, we think up some crazy stuff!), Michelle P., Nadina, Natalie (4th period Medical Skills kicked ass with you guys!), and my wonderfully diverse new circle of friends who you can find on my journals.